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Empowering Schools with Mental Health Supports: A Brief Guide to Best Practices and Resources
By Martha Staeheli, PhD, Director, School Mental Health Initiative, New England MHTTC In the evolving education landscape, prioritizing...
The Importance of Continuity in Social-Emotional Learning
By Nicole Larsen, CEI Intern Social-emotional Learning (SEL) has been receiving an increased focus in education, with an expanding...
How Trauma-Sensitive Learning Is Continuing Online
Guest Blog By Dr. Ryan T. Woods for Respectful Ways When the threat of COVID-19 arrived, schools responded quickly. Principals made...
Why Schools Need a Compassionate Response to Trauma and Mental Illness
By Meghan Wenzel, CEI Researcher and Writer and Christine Mason, CEI Executive Director Levels of stress, trauma, and mental illness are...
Defiant or Depressed? Working with Black Girls in the School Setting
By Kaela Farrise, CEI Intern Because children spend more time with teachers and other school personnel during a typical school year than...
Learning from Tragedy: How A Bullying-Related Teen Suicide Led to SEL Reform in Massachusetts
By Kaela Farrise, CEI Intern and Dana Asby, CEI Director of Innovation & Research Support This article is based on an interview with...
Mental Health for All
By Zenisha Shah, CEI Writer and Counselor at Innisfree House School Imagine how your life would be impacted if you had to, first, find a...
Vulnerability, Whole-Heartedness, and Sense of Worthiness
By Daniella Rueda, CEI Intern Although often perceived in a negative light, vulnerability (emotional vulnerability, that is) is actually...
Vulnerability, Shame, Courage, and Connection
Meghan Wenzel, CEI Intern, and Christine Mason, CEI Executive Director Sometimes our feeling of vulnerability arises from a sense of...
Leaders in Educational Research & Development Want More Robust Measures of SEL
By Dana Asby, CEI Intern Those who have spent time in a classroom know that children cannot begin learning when they are preoccupied with...
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