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Healing: A Role for Educators
By Christine Mason, CEI Executive Director As educators return from their summer breaks and begin to establish routines this fall, we are...
Removing Roadblocks to Effective Recognition and Treatment of Adolescent Mental Illness
By June Naureckas, CEI Intern An Under-Treated Epidemic Mental illness in American children is chronically under-treated and...
Vulnerability, Whole-Heartedness, and Sense of Worthiness
By Daniella Rueda, CEI Intern Although often perceived in a negative light, vulnerability (emotional vulnerability, that is) is actually...
Mindfulness and Transformational School Leadership
By Christine Mason, CEI Executive Director Visions and Inspiration “Transformational leaders do not think in one place and time, rather,...
Leadership for the 21st Century
By Michael Chirichello, International Educational Consultant Collective Leadership Collective leadership is different from shared and...
Looking at Discipline Differently: Bringing Restorative Discipline to the Classroom
By Lindsey Erin Feltis, CEI Intern In recent years, schools that are implementing restorative practices have reported stronger...
The Strength of Vulnerability
By Maddy Pribanova, CEI Intern Brene Brown’s TED talk on “The Power of Vulnerability” describes vulnerability as the birthplace of true...
Moving from Transactional to Transformational Leadership: Being a Mindful Principal
By Dana Asby, CEI Intern and Christine Mason, CEI Executive Director Editor’s Note: This is Part I of our series on transformational...
Compassionate Discipline
By Maddie Pribanova, CEI Intern When we think of discipline, we think of authority, control and rigid rules. To be disciplined is often...
Innovations in Early Education Programs
By: Morgan Grant, CEI Intern However, with so many programs available it can be difficult to decipher which ones are noteworthy. Programs...
Supporting Secure Attachment and Self-Regulation through Mindfulness in Traumatized Children
By Dana Asby, CEI Intern Consequences of Erratic Parent Behavior and Insecure Attachment Attachment is a how children use their...
A Teacher’s Appeal to the Heart – Does Spirituality Have a Place in Schools?
By Marah Barrows, CEI Intern, and Christine Mason Does spirituality have a place in schools? A tough question. Particularly since we have...
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