Creating a sustainable comprehensive school mental health system requires a strategic approach that frames the resources needed for a Multi-tiered System of Support in the context of your system's ability to ensure diverse funding streams, and cultivate and sustain partnerships. Systems must also ensure they have the ability to identify and capitalize on opportunities, and also, to anticipate and mitigate threats that may impact funding and/or partnerships.
Funding Considerations
Review the HEART Webinar
Strategic Financing of Comprehensive School Mental Health Programs
Featured Speaker: Frank Rider, MS
Senior Human Services Financing Specialist
American Institutes for Research
Using Federal and State Dollars
What is Cost-Based Reimbursement? Financing School Based Services Through Medicaid
Developing a Competitive SAMHSA Grant Application Toolkit and Webinar
School Mental Health Quality Guide: Funding and Sustainability
The Nuts & Bolts of Sustainability: Essentials for the Longevity of School Mental Health Initiatives
Sustaining School Mental Health at the State-level: Panel Discussion
Funding & Logistics for Collaborative Comprehensive School Mental Health Systems